Thursday, May 28, 2015

The title

Size twelve to size fourteen. From regular to plus. My entire life I have been on the plus side. For me the difference between these two sizes is what keeps me from eating the last brownie, from indulging in another helping of pasta, from frying up the rest of the bacon for breakfast.

In 2003, right before I got married, I was at my heaviest weight that I had ever been in my life. I decided to make a drastic change, and began watching my food intake, measuring and weighing every ounce of food that I put in my mouth, Portion control, fat content, sodium levels, elliptical machines, Weight Watchers - all of these items have consumed my life for the past 12 years.

Since then I have lost 85 lbs, and gained 30 back.

It is a life-long struggle to get back into those size 12 pants.

I am addicted to food, my weight, the scale, and losing the battle.

Food Addiction Is Real